The main concern of our clients is obtaining an excellent level of soft skills and know-how from the team dedicated to the client’s brand, along with relevant responses to their clientele and the accuracy and readability of reports and their associated continuous improvement plans.
When a company undertakes a certification process, it gives primary importance to customer satisfaction (the brand but also the brand customers).
Odity has subscribed to the ISO 18295-1 – 2017 certification process in order to objectify the quality of its services and provide clients with a trustworthy guarantee. The standard contributes to supplying services that are in line with client demands, implementing efficient processes and building a business plan.
Certification will consecrate the high-quality work supplied daily by Odity teams that ensures an innovative approach to customer service, a customized work method for the world of luxury and a young, responsive team.
This certification implies constant control and renewal of objectives and is a tool of continued dynamic progress that never takes anything for granted. For these reasons, we continue our efforts and internal checks to improve the quality of services we provide to our clients.
All of our sites follow this quality approach in order to guarantee excellent service.
The Rueil Malmaison and Madagascar sites successfully renewed their certification in September 2021. The Levallois site will launch the certification process during 2022.
Security: the key to the customer experience
Odity Group is PCI-DSS certified, guaranteeing security and offering the possibility of managing orders by phone.
This certification ensures security that keeps perfect control of your data and processes.
Physical access to offices is strictly controlled (security badge and video camera), and access to servers and PCI-DSS rooms is restricted and locked (biometric data and video recording).
Our employees sign an IT Use Charter, as well as a confidentiality clause, and are updated every six months on IT security (inspired by the MOOC supplied by the French National Agency for Information System Security, or ANSSI).
The Levallois site has renewed its PCI-DSS certification for the third consecutive year. Our sites in Brussels, Milan, New York, Tokyo and Rueil Malmaison are currently PCI DSS-compliant.
Certification is planned for 2022, so stay in contact!